life is funny sometimes…

By April 2, 2019Astronaut Theory

It is so strange how little I thought I accomplished when I was younger, yet today I realize that I was always striving to finish things back then. I think the same thing about myself today, that I am seemingly going nowhere fast. I’ve spent almost two years in limbo, not really knowing what I was doing, but recently I’ve found a small glimmer of hope about my future. So all I can do is trod onward and see if the stars align…

I spent some time in Budapest visiting a friend recently. It’s a short story while simultaneously a long one. I was away from the states for almost three months. Everyone talks about how being away from home either makes you appreciate things more or less, and I have similar thoughts tromping through my head. I will say that being away gave me time to reflect about what I want out of life. I suppose I’ve known what I’ve wanted for a few years and nothing has changed. The challenge is to make it happen.

Alas, I have not written any pages for my book these past few months. I’m in a strange place right now. I don’t like being this person who says to myself, “why isn’t that book finished? why aren’t you in a band? why haven’t you picked up your guitar? why don’t you have a house? why aren’t you married? why aren’t you working?” It’s just the place I’m in for today. Everything could skyrocket or fail at any moment. I’ve certainly had time to think about my future and how I feel about various people and situations I find myself surrounded by. I believe I’m finally at a launch point where tomorrow could be the beginning of something better. All I keep telling myself is take it one day at a time…