52 years later…

By | Astronaut Theory | No Comments

I’ve no choice but to put everything back together eventually, correct?

But in the meantime, I’ve been playing guitar for Tricie and the Phantom Punks in Houston. Hopefully, there will be some video and photographs to share soon.

I’m still committed to spewing out everything I have to say in the form of a book, but apparently my brain, my heart and my life have been traveling down three completely different roads. Hopefully, they will merge back onto the same path soon and everything will be alright in the end. As always…

life is funny sometimes…

By | Astronaut Theory | No Comments

It is so strange how little I thought I accomplished when I was younger, yet today I realize that I was always striving to finish things back then. I think the same thing about myself today, that I am seemingly going nowhere fast. I’ve spent almost two years in limbo, not really knowing what I was doing, but recently I’ve found a small glimmer of hope about my future. So all I can do is trod onward and see if the stars align…

I spent some time in Budapest visiting a friend recently. It’s a short story while simultaneously a long one. I was away from the states for almost three months. Everyone talks about how being away from home either makes you appreciate things more or less, and I have similar thoughts tromping through my head. I will say that being away gave me time to reflect about what I want out of life. I suppose I’ve known what I’ve wanted for a few years and nothing has changed. The challenge is to make it happen.

Alas, I have not written any pages for my book these past few months. I’m in a strange place right now. I don’t like being this person who says to myself, “why isn’t that book finished? why aren’t you in a band? why haven’t you picked up your guitar? why don’t you have a house? why aren’t you married? why aren’t you working?” It’s just the place I’m in for today. Everything could skyrocket or fail at any moment. I’ve certainly had time to think about my future and how I feel about various people and situations I find myself surrounded by. I believe I’m finally at a launch point where tomorrow could be the beginning of something better. All I keep telling myself is take it one day at a time…

while in nyc, post-katrina…

By | Astronaut Theory | No Comments

I was sitting alone in a small Brooklyn apartment, missing my New Orleans friends and wondering how this music situation I had undertaken was going to work itself out. And then I began writing. I didn’t write much, or for long, but the following entry is what prompted me to eventually create what has become a detailed journal, or memoire of sorts. 

Perhaps overly dramatic, oddly worded, and nothing you could read for long if continued in this fashion, but this small section gave me the idea for the bigger picture. Like the time my bassist once accidentally struck a note in an attempt to rest his hand on his bass and an entirely new and completely finished song rushed through my head in mere seconds. In comparison, this is proving to be exceedingly more difficult.

But all theories have to begin somewhere.

     Three mornings prior to All-Hallows Eve in the post-Apollo Year of the Dog I was thrust upon my fate…   
     I realize we are all blind as to the constant twisting of gravity against our insignificant mass and helpless to resist the strings as they press against not only our flesh but also upon our minds and our souls.  Disease, famine, and wars spread throughout our world, yet I feel as though my years have weathered away and eroded as if I had been deprived of an atmosphere in the depths of the cosmos.  Civilization has created me and rendered a selfish being with warped mind as to what wonders reality can truly hold.  In hindsight, ignorance is more than bliss and I almost wish for relocation into what once was and what will never be again.
     My one thing keeps haunting me and may never let me go, at least not until I am unable to possess it.  Others have their muse, but I have my anchor.  Not that I can’t swim with the added weight, but there is fate and gravity and the strings all interweaving together into the fabric that is space…  and most importantly, time.  And as I’ve always known, timing is the key to everything.  Ostensibly, my time has yet to come.  Misspent years drowned in grandiose dreams beg to foresee its arrival and not miss the opportunity rather than continue an ill-fated belief of what may never come to pass.
     It seems my selfishness rears its ugly head again.  But what else can I do?  Or is it what else will I not do?  Have I lost my way or are there more than a few ne’er-do-wells wandering about in this head of mine?  Perhaps I will agree that timing is fate, karma, and string theory combined and everything that has and will happen is the way it was always meant to be; that those who starve and die and those who live well and prosper deserved their particular fates.
     Possibly, a few of these rambling thoughts might actually help me get some sleep tonight, but I know as soon as my eyes close, my soul will overflow with guilt for what I have not yet accomplished.  No matter.  Conscious or comatose, my one thing is always present, a singularly gorgeous apparition directly in front of me, seemingly within my grasp.  If only I weren’t yet dreaming…
     And the scorpion’s torment continues each and every day of every solar cycle.

first update in years…

By | Astronaut Theory | No Comments

With this latest website update, in addition to posting media and info regarding my previous musical endeavors, I’m hoping to provide information regarding the book I am slowing writing, “Astronaut Theory,” as well as any future musical and artistic projects that may come along.

Please contact me if there is something I can do for you, and definitely contact me if there is something you can do for me. Take care!